Valentines Day Giveaway! We love our Preston Market community and to show our heartfelt appreciation we’re giving away – FREE Roses, coffees and Jam Donuts To receive your Preston Market Gift, go to the Market Office from 9am on Valentine’s Day (Friday 14th February) and dive into our lucky dip for your prize coupon. […]
*Please note the Meat, Poultry & Fish section will be trading as normal
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: PRESTON MARKET ECO BAG GIVEAWAY These terms and conditions are applicable to the Preston Market Eco Bag Instagram and Facebook competition (“the competition”). 1. Entries for the competition open at 8.00am (AEST), Saturday the 5th June 2021. 2. Entries for the competition close at 8.00am (AEST), Sunday the 6th June 2021. 3. […]
PRIVACY POLICY 1. We respect your privacy 1.1. The Preston Market respects your right to privacy and is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our customers and website visitors. We adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This policy sets out how we collect and treat your personal information. […]
Check out some of our highlights for the Preston Market Iso 50th Birthday Facebook Event. We would like to thank all our fellow prestonians for sharing their treasured memories and photos. “When I went to get my own place the market was one of the selling points of Preston!” “Keep up the good work all […]
Sunday 6th of September 2020 is Father’s Day. Don’t let your love for dad go unnoticed. We’ve found some great DIY Father’s Day gift ideas that your dad is going love! Is your dad your superhero? We think yes! That’s why we think you should make your very own superdad book. He’s going love it […]
Celebrate Preston Market and WIN a $400 hamper! To enter it’s simple, join Preston’s Quaran-team for our 50th Birthday Iso Celebration event and show your local traders your love and support for 50 years of the People’s Market! As mentioned, we had big plans to celebrate the milestone but like many things this year, our […]